EcoSpot Locations
Most Locations Are Only Open During Business Hours
Part of the game involves finding the EcoSpots in each location! Use the map below to locate the EcoSpots marked by Pawprint Icons.
EcoSpot Descriptions:
Stewart Center: Next to Loeb Entrance on left hand side of "The Spirit of the Land Grant College" Mural
Purdue Memorial Union (PMU): East Main Lounge on side near Campus Map
Beering: Main Lobby
John Martinson Honors College: Innovation Forum North Residences
Black Cultural Center: Lobby
Latino Cultural Center: Lobby
Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center: Lobby
LGBTQ Center: Lobby
Native American Educational and Cultural Center: Lobby
Krach Leadership Center: Dean's Commons Open Space
Wiley Dinning Hall: North Side of the Lobby
CoRec: West Entry